Range of electric, environmentally friendly, quiet outboard motors.


Electric outboard motor for tenders, small dinghies or powerboats, sailboats.


Nautilus enables quiet, environmentally friendly and safe navigation. Compared to endothermic equivalents, it requires less maintenance due to the absence of complex mechanical parts. Autonomy is ensured by the ability to recharge the battery on land and on board


Brushless motor driver.


Le piccole imbarcazioni dotate di motore a scoppio sono inquinanti, rumorose
e a rischio incendio dati i carburanti liquidi.


Nautilus è un motore fuoribordo elettrico, ecologico e silenzioso per piccoli gommoni, tender e barche a vela. Privo di carburanti liquidi infiammabili e olii, Nautilus non emette CO₂ né inquina con gas di scarico dall’odore persistente.
L’assenza di parti meccaniche complesse permette una minor manutenzione, consentendo un risparmio sui costi di mantenimento. La batteria staccabile permette di trasportarlo facilmente e ricaricarlo, sia a terra con una presa di corrente sia in navigazione grazie al pannello solare in dotazione. 

Nautilus was designed in collaboration with BRIN: National Research and Innovation Agency, Indonesia S&H performed all product development, including the definition and ideation, hardware and software design, prototyping, manufacturing, and field testing.

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S&h has carried out projects in collaboration with leading universities and companies, including: CERN, University of Milan, Milan Polytechnic, BRIN and Studio Palmanova 28.